Direktlänk till inlägg 31 juli 2008

In Iraq, for the last three weeks!

Av abir alsahlani - 31 juli 2008 00:38

Writing in English make things only more difficult, but I will give it a try anyway!

For the last three weeks I have been in Baghdad working for our political party in different forms. Many seminars and workshops are held and they all aim at one thing, to make people more aware of thier rights and give them the tools to be become more involved in the political process in Iraq.

I LOVE being here, even if the weather is horrible. It's so warm, there are trully no words... leying there at nights not being able to fall in sleep because it's so hot hot hot.

We are going through very tough times in Iraq, many innocent victimes have fallen for meaningless voilance.

I went out several times, for shopping, the vegetalbes and fruits are so fresh that I couldn't stop my self from eating them before washing.

Our work has aimed to promote election participation. There is a great dissappointment among ordenary Iraqis when it comes political parites. Non of the promises that the political partiets gave have not been fullfilled. So, many Iraqis are thinking why should I go voting this time? What difference does it make?

Encourging people to go voting and using thier right to make a difference have been our goals.

So, now I will go get some sleep while we have electricity :-)

Ingen bild


1 augusti 2008 14:46

My dear friend! I am thinking of you and your family every second. You are in a dangerous environment. Are the project running well? Please be careful and come back as soon as possible. Hugs

Ingen bild


4 augusti 2008 11:24

Good to hear from you! Looking forward to seeing you soon, safe and sound.

    Kom ihåg mig



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